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Never Miss A HubSpot Update: Where to Stay Informed

Stay ahead in the digital marketing game by keeping updated with the latest HubSpot features and integrations.

Exploring the HubSpot Community- Releases and Updates

The HubSpot Releases and Updates Community  is an invaluable resource for marketers, sales professionals, and service representatives aiming to stay on top of the platform's latest enhancements. Regularly checking this can show you detailed information on new tools, improvements to existing features, and insights on how to best leverage HubSpot's capabilities.

Additionally, the updates blog often includes tutorials and best practice guides that can help users understand and implement new updates effectively. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned HubSpot user, this community is a must-visit to keep your HubSpot knowledge fresh and current.

HubSpot Community - Releases and Updates

Utilizing HubSpot Academy for Learning New Features

HubSpot Academy provides a wealth of educational content, including courses and certifications to enhance your HubSpot skills. Whenever new features are launched, the Academy updates its materials or introduces new lessons to aid user understanding and adoption.
Utilizing these free resources ensures you're not only aware of updates but also proficient in using them to meet your business goals. The Academy is a great way to stay competitive and maximize your HubSpot investment.

Joining HubSpot User Groups (HUGs)

HubSpot User Groups, commonly known as HUGs, are community-driven gatherings where users can connect with peers, share strategies, and learn from each other. These groups often hold events and webinars where members can learn about the latest HubSpot updates directly from other experienced users or HubSpot representatives.

Being a part of a HUG allows you to network with like-minded professionals and discuss the practical applications of HubSpot's updates. The collaborative environment of HUGs makes them an excellent avenue for both learning about new features and gaining insights into how others are successfully using them.


Join HandsOn HubSpot

HandsOn HubSpot is our monthly online meeting dedicated to discussing the platform's most recent updates. In just one hour, participants can get up to speed on the latest changes, ask questions, and learn how these developments can impact their marketing, sales, or service strategies.

These sessions are particularly valuable for busy professionals who need a concise, yet comprehensive overview of what's new in HubSpot.

Fill out the form below to register for free!

HandsOn HubSpot